Number 1

Volume: 1
Year: 2020
The Editorial Board and Editorial Council of the journal “Scientific Research and Innovation” present the first issue of the scientific on-line journal to a wide audience. The website development and release of the first journal issue has become possible due to enormous effort of a large team of editors, translators, authors, reviewers, IT specialists and designers. An idea of the founder and publisher, MACAO LLC (Saratov, Russian Federation), to produce a new international science-and-innovation journal may seem very risky. Currently, an approximate estimate of prestigious scientific journals in the world exceeds several tens of thousands, including influential journals of international databases SCOPUS, Web of Science and others, with a long history of publishing and high scientific citation indices. Number of such editions is growing steadily. At first glance, there is no longer a single empty niche in any scientific field, but it is not so.
Our journal title, “Scientific Research and Innovation”, was chosen by brainstorming rather than by pure chance: it combined the desire of its creators to make scientific projects and publications of Russian and foreign scientists available to the world. Their scientific ideas, as a rule, are at the junction of various scientific disciplines, innovative projects and developments. Among such fields, we should mention technical and biomedical sciences, nanotechnology, IT, economics and, last but not least, art. Our Editorial Board and Editorial Council pay attention to the projects of eminent scientists, along with young researchers who, following their mentors, seek and find original innovative approaches and unique solutions to complex challenges of the modern world.
The recent events, unfolding against the background of the COVID-19 coronavirus pandemic, violated the usual way of life for the whole planet, instantly destroyed many of our ideas about inviolability of orders and principles, created threat to life and health of our employees, and temporarily disrupted partner communications with people forced to leave their jobs for a while. All of those causes have postponed the release of the first journal issue.
The global threat of COVID-19 coronavirus spread, testing the strength of our civilization, made scientists and politicians, as well as ordinary people from different countries, think seriously for the first time in many years about the fragility of the world around us, vulnerability of the most developed economies, importance of priority development of novel technologies and communications, and human dependence on nature, each other, clean water, product quantity and quality, and the capabilities of science (especially biomedical studies).
This means that the new journal “Scientific Research and Innovation”, publications in which would help solving the global issues of preserving our planet and protecting human life, has emerged just in time.
The founder and Publisher, Editorial Board staff and Editorial Council members have set ambitious goals for creating an international scientific journal, which would contribute to the development of world science, unite the efforts of scientists from different countries in solving common problems, help young scientists in expressing themselves and their scientific achievements, and replenish the list of journals included in international citation databases, due to high quality of presented materials.
Editorial Board and Editorial Council of “Scientific Research and Innovation”
- 1. Digital Microscopy Standardization in Ophthalmological Practice ▶
- 2. Development of an Electronic Rapid Arterial Stiffness Meter ▶
- 3. Studying Matrix Method for Reflex Diagnostic of Pancreas Spasmodic Muscle Zone ▶
- 4. Peculiarities of Pulmonary Tuberculosis Demonstrated by HIV-infected Women and Treatment Efficiency ▶
- 5. Electronic Properties of Nano- and Submicron Semiconductor Particle Layers ▶
- 6. The Effect of Nanoscale Non-organic Additives on the Structure and Synthesis of Water Purification Membranes ▶
- 7. Nature Conservation Potential of Nizhne-Bannovsky Natural Monument ▶
- 8. On Identification of Important Plant Areas in the Saratov Region ▶
- 9. Justifying the Possibility to Reduce Fat and Salt Content in Raw Smoked Sausages ▶
1. Digital Microscopy Standardization in Ophthalmological Practice
2. Development of an Electronic Rapid Arterial Stiffness Meter
3. Studying Matrix Method for Reflex Diagnostic of Pancreas Spasmodic Muscle Zone
4. Peculiarities of Pulmonary Tuberculosis Demonstrated by HIV-infected Women and Treatment Efficiency
5. Electronic Properties of Nano- and Submicron Semiconductor Particle Layers
6. The Effect of Nanoscale Non-organic Additives on the Structure and Synthesis of Water Purification Membranes
7. Nature Conservation Potential of Nizhne-Bannovsky Natural Monument
8. On Identification of Important Plant Areas in the Saratov Region
9. Justifying the Possibility to Reduce Fat and Salt Content in Raw Smoked Sausages